Eu tive uma indicação da CAOCA, que é uma Casa de Acolhimento e Orientação à Crianças e Adolescentes. Eu fui conhecer e vi o trabalho sério da equipe. Eles atendem 200 crianças e adolecentes, e realizam trabalhos de educação integral, aulas de música, informática, capoeira e outras atividades culturais.
Ao comentar com os amigos do serviço sobre a doação, pude contar com a colaboração de alguns para melhorar o montante da doação, que conforme a necessidade da CAOCA no momento , foi doado 72 litros de leite, 10 kg de achocolatado e 20 garrafas de suco.
Eu estou muito contente pelo que estou realizando. Estou fazendo a minha parte.
Valeu pessoal.
Christmas spirit II
Yesterday I went to do what I had proposed to myself: a donation once a month. Last donation was little late, because I was looking for the institute.
I had a indication of the CAOCA, it is a Reception and Orientation House for children and teenagers. I went to know and saw the honest job by team. They attend about 200 children and teenagers, and they realize services of integral education, music and computer classes, capoeira, and others cultural activity etc.
I talk with some friends about donation, and some of them agreeded to join this task, and give me their contribution to raise the amount of money, according to necessity of CAOCA in this moment. With this amount of money, We bought 72 l of milk, 10 kg of chocolate and 20 bottle of juice.
I'm very glad helping people, and really glad for doing my part!
Thanks guys.
Ao comentar com os amigos do serviço sobre a doação, pude contar com a colaboração de alguns para melhorar o montante da doação, que conforme a necessidade da CAOCA no momento , foi doado 72 litros de leite, 10 kg de achocolatado e 20 garrafas de suco.
Eu estou muito contente pelo que estou realizando. Estou fazendo a minha parte.
Valeu pessoal.
Christmas spirit II
Yesterday I went to do what I had proposed to myself: a donation once a month. Last donation was little late, because I was looking for the institute.
I had a indication of the CAOCA, it is a Reception and Orientation House for children and teenagers. I went to know and saw the honest job by team. They attend about 200 children and teenagers, and they realize services of integral education, music and computer classes, capoeira, and others cultural activity etc.
I talk with some friends about donation, and some of them agreeded to join this task, and give me their contribution to raise the amount of money, according to necessity of CAOCA in this moment. With this amount of money, We bought 72 l of milk, 10 kg of chocolate and 20 bottle of juice.
I'm very glad helping people, and really glad for doing my part!
Thanks guys.
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