Eles recebem pessoas doentes que estão fazendo tratamento na cidade e precisam de um local para ficar a noite ou ficar os dias necessários, sem precisar pagar nada.
Lá eu conheci a Srta. Rosangela, pessoa muito legal e agradável. Ela me recebeu muito bem e me apresentou o Albergue.
Eu doei 02 cestas básicas, não é nada demais, mas é o que eu posso estar fazendo.
Vejo vocês depois.
Christmas spirit III
Today I went to make my donation of March. This month the donation went for the Ana Paula Hostel, they survive of the comunity donation, of some enterprise and from people of society, like me.
They receive people sick that are doing treatment on the city and need a local to stay overnight or to spend the days necessary.
There, I knew the Miss Rosangela, a very nice person and very pleasing. She received me very well and showed me the Hostel.
I donated two shopping basket, it is too much nothing, but it is what I can be doing.
See you later.
Lá eu conheci a Srta. Rosangela, pessoa muito legal e agradável. Ela me recebeu muito bem e me apresentou o Albergue.
Eu doei 02 cestas básicas, não é nada demais, mas é o que eu posso estar fazendo.
Vejo vocês depois.
Christmas spirit III
Today I went to make my donation of March. This month the donation went for the Ana Paula Hostel, they survive of the comunity donation, of some enterprise and from people of society, like me.
They receive people sick that are doing treatment on the city and need a local to stay overnight or to spend the days necessary.
There, I knew the Miss Rosangela, a very nice person and very pleasing. She received me very well and showed me the Hostel.
I donated two shopping basket, it is too much nothing, but it is what I can be doing.
See you later.